Import Price Data

Import Price Data is a tool that helps you to quickly import large amounts of ingredient price data into Fillet.

Set up and get started



Get an introduction and basic overview of the Import Price Data tool.

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Fix errors in import data file

Learn how to fix errors in the file that you want to import.
This will help you to import your data successfully.

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Units of measure for Import Price Data tool

The Import Price Data tool uses a fixed list of standard units of measurement.

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Locale in Import Price Data

This locale specifies the language and number formatting settings that you want to use.

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Review the file you want to upload and import

When you enter data into the template file, check that the data format and file format are correct.

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Delete all prices for the selected vendor

When you select “Import price data for existing vendor”, you can also delete all prices for the selected vendor.

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Sync your imported price data

After you use the Import Price Data tool, sync to access your data in the Fillet apps.

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A photo of food preparation.